Get your supplies together. I like to use graph paper (I can't find it right now ...damnit), a pencil, an eraser, and a super positive attitude about how well my picture will turn out.
Use one of THE methods to draw, oh, um, this is to draw a person, so use like the 10 head or hearts method to start. I'll start with the ten head one pictured below. Sometimes it's referred to as 9 heads or 12 heads. But use heads. Or hearts.
3 . Next add like the legs and stuff to see how things are shaping up. It looks like I got that bottom triangle wrong. We'll see. I normally draw naked people, chairs, and mid-century modern buildings so drawing this person with clothes on will hopefully be easy. OK, add some legs and arms. Remember that the elbows and other body parts are supposed to go in certain places. I like to look in the mirror but you can also use the 10 heads.
4. That turned out well. It looks like maybe she will be grabbing something! I'm a little worried about that bottom triangle. Oh, I forgot to tell you, add the eyes where I did. Next put some more detail to make sure the genital area isn't going to look all weird.
5. So it looks like the hips AND genitals are all weird so I'm going to switch to the heart method. I wish I had some graph paper! Graph paper makes it much easier. Remember that! Next switch to the heart method as I've done below.
6. I meant above I guess. Look at the right one then move to this one. So! as you can see the heart method is working better. I'll try to add more details. Just learn by example and do what I do! Oh, you'll need an eraser for this part for sure.
7. That pic should be the one you just looked at . Look below!
8. As you can see this update was both good and bad. The body looks good. But the butt looks a little too good! WOW! I never draw good butts so want to switch gears here and make this a drawing of a woman walking away. Perhaps scratching her butt!
So, the next drawing will demonstrate me being flexible as an artist and transforming this into a picture of this lady from the back by drawing hair and other fine details. It will be obvious to you that the drawing is now showing the lady from back and that she has a really nice butt!
9. Wow that looks really good. Notice the hair. I see one small problem. That looks more like a butt pick than a butt scratch so, again showing how flexible and patient I am, I'm going to transform this into a lady picking her butt with pants on. See below as I update with a pencil.
I forgot to tell you to draw circles where the joints are.
So, this is working pretty good but I don't think I have the skill level necessary to pull off the hand position for such a detailed action. Butt picking would require a master level grasp of finger detailing and I haven't learned that yet. However, a butt scratch is probably right about the level of detail I can pull off. So I will be flexible again and erase her hair and turn her pants into a dress and make it so she's waving with one arm behind her back.
9. As you can see this is now the front of a woman in a maxi-dress with an uneven bottom (on purpose!). She does look like she's waving-- so this gave me the idea to put her in front of a hardware store. I'm going to put a dog or an otter by her too. For perspective. As you'll see in my next update perspective is everything in drawing.
10. Well, unfortunately, I'm seeing signs of diminishing returns with this drawing. It happens! Don't be hard on yourself if yours turned out even worse. I'll admit. I don't like this drawing much.
11. I'm going to go find some graph paper and then start a brand new one. Usually they are pretty darn good but like I said it's easier to draw naked people and chairs.
12. I think I'll just sign, number, and name this one and move on. I hope you enjoyed learning how to draw a lady standing in front of a hardware store waving as much as I enjoyed teaching you how to draw one. Remember to always keep on learning how to do things; and as they always say "eventually you" might become talented at something!
Look for the youtube and podcast of this! COMING AS SOON AS I LEARN HOW TO DO THEM!!!!!